What is RCIC?
This form of the rite of Christian initiation is intended for children, not baptized as infants or who are baptized but have not received any formal catechesis and sacramental preparation to receive Holy Eucharist. They must have attained the use of reason (age 7 +) and are of catechetical age. At Sacred Hearts Parish, RCIC candidates are typically children in 4th-10th grade.
Such children are capable of receiving and nurturing a personal faith and of recognizing an obligation in conscience. But they cannot yet be treated as adults because, at this stage of their lives, they are dependent on their parents or guardians and are still strongly influenced by their companions and their social surroundings.
What is the process and when are the classes?
Children beginning this process are placed into regular Sunday or Wednesday Faith Formation classes with their peers. Throughout the year, they will meet in specific RCIC groups led by Mrs. Montes specific to the sacraments they're preparing for. RCIC groups happen in place of their faith formation classes and require parents/guardians to participate.
When will children receive the sacraments?
All students who are ready and prepared will receive the sacraments at a designated time and/or the Easter Vigil.
How do I enroll my child?
Enrollment for RCIC occurs simultaneously with the enrollment for Faith Formation classes. Registration link can be found by clicking here.
What is required of a child in RCIC?
Regular attendance at Mass and Sunday classes, as well as active participation in class discussions and activities.
When will RCIC group meet?
RCIC classes take place during regular Sunday or Wednesday faith formation classes as a separate group.
Baptism & First Reconciliation Preparation
November 15th and 19th, 2023
December 3th and 6th, 2023
First Reconciliation & First Holy Eucharist Preparation
January - April 2024 (Dates TBA)
CONTACT: Laura Montes, [email protected]