The RCIA Team at Sacred Hearts Parish is eager to welcome you to the process of becoming Catholic and to journey with you along the way. The group meets weekly from approximately September through April each year on Wednesday evenings from 7:30-8:30pm. It aims to help people discover the Lord and to develop a relationship with him while learning about the Catholic Church. It prepares new Catholics to be welcomed into the Church through the sacraments of initiation (baptism, Eucharist, confirmation) at the Easter Vigil each year.
The RCIA process is appropriate for three groups of adults:
The Unbaptized: Adults who have never been baptized become “Catechumens” and journey through a period of instruction, prayer, and discussion marked in stages by various rituals known as “Rites.” Generally, the process begins in the fall of the year and reaches its culmination at the Easter Vigil Mass when the participants are received into the Catholic Church through reception of the Sacraments of all three sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation.
Those Baptized in Another Christian Faith: Christians who were previously baptized in another Christian church participate in various aspects of RCIA applicable to their needs. Typically, this entails joining with other members of the group for instruction, prayer, discussion and the observance of Rites pertinent to their situation. These participants are known as “Candidates,” and are received into the Catholic Church at Easter through two of the sacraments of initiation (the Eucharist and Confirmation). Those baptized in another Christian faith do not need to be baptized again. The Catholic Church recognizes the validity of baptisms validly performed in other denominations. Candidates also make their first reconciliation prior to Easter.
Baptized, but Uncatechized Catholics: These participants were baptized in the Catholic Church, but never received the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Confirmation. They join the group for instruction, prayer, discussion, and applicable Rites. They are also known as “Candidates,” and complete their initiation into the Catholic Church at Easter through two sacraments of initiation (Holy Eucharist and Confirmation). Candidates also make their first reconciliation prior to Easter.
The RCIA journey is a process of conversion of heart, as one seeks to deepen and expand their relationship with the Lord; therefore, it is very unique to each individual. A participant may take as long as they need to negotiate the process, and we strive to tailor the experience as much as possible to the needs of the individual participants.
The Easter vigils scheduled for the next few years will take place on the following dates; again, this is the time each year when new adults are received into the Church through the sacraments of Initiation:
Saturday evening, April 19, 2025
Saturday evening, April 4, 2026
Saturday evening, March 27, 2027
Saturday evening, April 15, 2028
Saturday evening, March 31, 2029
A person who was raised Catholic but is in need of the sacrament of confirmation may elect to participate in the RCIA program, or they may elect to participate in an adult confirmation prep class that will run for approximately 4-6 weeks during the Lenten season. Adult Catholic who are in need of preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation only are not confirmed at the Easter Vigil, but rather, at a regional adult confirmation which takes place in the Merrimack region each spring.
Please email Dr. Elizabeth Woodard, pastoral associate, or call the Pastoral Center at 978-373-1281 and speak with either Fr. John Delaney, or Dr. Elizabeth Woodard and they will get you started.
Our sincere prayers are with all those who are considering seeking the Lord through the sacraments of initiation.